Diana Boskovska Ph.D.

Full time professor


  • Financial management

Brief biography about Diana Boskovska Ph.D.


Diana Boskovska was born in Tetovo in 1972. In 1996, she graduated from the Faculty of Economics, where she also completed her postgraduate studies at the Department of Business Economics. In 2004, she obtained a Master degree, upon defense of the master thesis “Investment projects as endeavors for implementation of development strategy of enterprises”. In 2008, at the Institute of Economics-Skopje, she defended the doctoral thesis “Portfolio management as a modern approach to growth and development of corporations” and obtained a Ph.D. in Economics.

Since 1998, she has been working at the Institute of Economics, University “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” in Skopje, and her current appointment is full-time professor of Financial Management.

She has actively participated in scientific research and applied projects as well as in scientific meetings, conferences, seminars, congresses and symposia held in the country and abroad. She teaches at the second cycle study programs at the Institute of Economics-Skopje. She is an author of numerous papers, among which “Shares – instruments of portfolio management”, published by the Institute of Economics-Skopje in 2014.