The Institute of Economics – Skopje as a unit within the University “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” in Skopje, this year celebrates 70 years of its existence. Founded in 1952 as an independent scientific research institution at the Economic Council of the Government of the People’s Republic of Macedonia, it has been constantly developing its scientific activity in the field of economic sciences, organizational sciences and management, and demography.
The mission of the Institute of Economics – Skopje is to be a leading institution in the country in the field of higher education and research, to identify the problems and needs of society related to economic activities in conditions of limited resources, and to find scientific and methodological knowledge and solutions to the previously mentioned problems in the field of microeconomics and macroeconomics.
During these 70 years, the Institute has been an active participant in almost all significant economic challenges faced by the country and the world. It builds its leading role in the development of scientific and professional thought in the economic segment through its contribution to the preparation of strategies, policies, and plans for the development of several sectors in the economy. Hundreds of domestic and international research projects have been conducted, which indicates that the Institute throughout its long history has created a solid foundation on which it should continue to build and valorize its scientific research potential.
The generations who were employed in the Institute with scientific, teaching-scientific and associate titles, in these 70 years have given their special contribution to its development, the development of the University, but also the development of the scientific thought itself. In doing so, they entrusted the current and future generations of employees to continue their paths and work, no matter what challenges they face. Today, when the awareness of the importance of scientific research activity in order to stimulate economic growth is unsatisfactory in our country and when the allocation of funds by the public and private sector for scientific research projects and activities is minor, the Institute of Economics – Skopje shows even stronger commitment to development and promotion of the scientific activity. In this respect, efforts are made in order to be taken part in scientific research projects published by domestic and international organizations through teamwork and in cooperation with networks of domestic and international organizations from various sectors (academic, civic, public, and private). The hypotheses set in the research are courageous and arise from the existing scientific knowledge and practice, and the given goals are always ambitious, but realistic.
Within its activities, the Institute organizes and conducts one-year and two-year postgraduate studies in these study programs: International Economics, Financial Management, Entrepreneurship, Agribusiness, International Management, Business Logistics, Managerial Economics and Business Management. The Institute of Economics – Skopje, participates in the organization and implementation of the School for Doctoral Studies of joint study programs at the University “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” in Skopje in the fields of Economics, Organizational Sciences and Management, Statistical Methods for Business and Economics, and Demography. The aim of the Institute is to educate masters and doctors of science in the relevant fields, who will be leaders in the economic, scientific and social life in the country and beyond. The teaching processes and curriculums of the subjects covered by the study programs focus on the needs for building competencies, skills and knowledge that are in the interest of the students, the business community, and the public sector.
In addition to scientific-research and teaching-educational activities, the Institute of Economics – Skopje applies scientific knowledge arising from research and uses the expertise of the teaching-scientific staff in order to develop the applied activity. In this way, the Institute solves specific issues and problems of the public and private sector, which contributes to the faster development of the country.
During its 70 years of existence, the Institute of Economics – Skopje has published more than 180 publications. For the last 23 years, the Institute has been publishing the scientific journal Economic Development, which has an international editorial board, indexed in the databases of EBSCO and CEEOL journals.