Bojan Petrushevski

Advisor for financial, accounting and material

Brief biography about Bojan Petrushevski


Bojan Petrushevski was born on 9.10.1986 in Skopje. He completed primary school in Skopje and secondary school “Vasil Antevski-Dren” at the Department of Economics. In 2004, he enrolled at the European University at the Department of Banking and Tax Management and in 2008 he graduated in Banking Management. In the academic 2010/2011 year, he enrolled at the second cycle study program in Financial Management at the Institute of Economics Skopje, University “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” in Skopje. On 30.12.2013 upon public defense of the master thesis “The role and importance of investment funds on the capital market in the Republic of Macedonia” he obtained master’s degree in Economics, field Financial Management.

In 2009, he started working for “Nova International” at the Department for finance and accounting. In 2010, he worked for “kolo-Reks” and in 2011 for “Kastel” at the same department.

Оn 01.12.2012, he joined the Institute of Economics-Skopje as Financial and Accounting Officer.