Verica Janeska Ph.D.

Full time professor


  • Demographic development
  • Population development
  • International migrations
  • Labor market
  • Human resources management
  • Interaction among demographic, economic and social processes

Brief biography about Verica Janeska Ph.D.


Verica Janeska was born in Gostivar in 1957. She obtained all three higher education academic degrees from the Faculty of Economics – Skopje, University „Ss. Cyril and Methodius“ in Skopje. In 1980, she graduated at the Department of Economic Policy and Development and in 1991, completed postgraduate studies in Economic Development with Methods of Economic Analyses with master thesis: „Contemporary Economic Migrations from the Republic of Macedonia abroad“. In 2000, she defended her doctoral dissertation: „Contemporary International Migrations, the Emigration from the Republic of Macedonia and Socio-economic Development“.


Since 1982, she has been employed at the Institute of Economics – Skopje and was appointed in continuity in all subsequent academic positions. Since 2007 she is professor in the area of Interaction between Demographic, Economic and Social Processes. She teaches at second-cycle study programs at the Institute of Economics, at the School of Doctoral Studies of the University “Ss. Cyril and Methodius“ in Skopje as well as at third cycle study program in Organizational Sciences and Management, joint study programme with the faculty in Economics and the Institute for Sociological, Political and Juridical Research.

In the past four decades, she was appointed at different positions in the Institute and in other institutions. In the period 2016-2020 she was a member of the University Senate. Since 2017, she has been the head of the Departmentof Demographics.

In her research career she has published more than one hundred papers. She is an author/co-author and/or editor of twenty five books/monographs (Ageing of the Population and Labor Force in the Republic of Macedonia; Contemporary International Migration, the Emigration from the Republic of Macedonia and the Socio-economic Development; Demographic Terminological Glossary; Scientific Diaspora from the Republic of Macedonia etc.). She has published more than eighty papers and participated in about sixty scientific meetings and conferences, in the country and abroad. She worked on around eighty domestic and international scientific and applied projects (including EU founded projects) and as consultant of EU/EAR (European Agency for Reconstruction),EC/GVG (Gerichtsverfassungsgesetz), International Labor Organization and International Organization of Migration. She has made many study visits abroad (Moscow State University “Lomonosov”, Russia; The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies -WIIW, Austria etc.). Since 2007, she has been a member of DemoBalk, association of researchers from the Balkan countries in the field of demography, and since 2017 a member of the Global Labor Organization (GLO)andof Association of Demographers of Serbia.