Silvana Mojsovska Ph.D.

Full time professor


  • International Political Economy
  • International Trade
  • Foreign Direct Investment
  • EU Integration
  • Regional Development
  • Sustainable Development

Brief biography about Silvana Mojsovska Ph.D.


Silvana Mojsovska is a full-time professor at the Institute of Economics – Skopje, University “Ss. Cyril and Methodius”, Macedonia. In 2002, she defended her Ph.D. dissertation “The globalization of the world economy as an introvert process” at the Institute of Economics – Skopje and obtained Ph.D. in Economics. Dr. Mojsovska has undertaken postdoctoral research fellowships at the prominent academic institutions, such as London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), United Kingdom, University Paris I – Pantheon Sorbonne, France, Institute for international economic studies (WIIW) – Vienna, Austria and University of Bologna, Italy.

Since 1995, she has been working at the Institute of Economics, University “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” – Skopje. In 2011, Dr. Mojsovska was appointed at the position full-time professor of International Economics. Since 2006, she serves as the Head of the master course in International Economics at the Institute of Economics – Skopje. During the spring semester of the academic 2007/2008, Dr. Mojsovska was a visiting professor of International Political Economy at the Faculty for Political Sciences, University of Guadalajara, Mexico. In 2011 and 2012, she taught Economic Diplomacy at the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Macedonia. During the fall semester of the academic 2016/2017, Dr. Mojsovska was a visiting professor in India. In March 2022, she completed the Leadership Academy for Development of Stanford University, USA.

Dr. Mojsovska is an author of numerous publications, including the chapter “Strengthening Competitiveness in the Republic of Macedonia: A Regional Development Policy Perspective” in the book “Public Policy Making in the Western Balkans” (ed. M. Thomas and V. Bojicic Dzelilovic), published by Springer in 2015. She has participated at scientific forums, conferences, summer schools and seminars in the country and abroad. Also, Dr. Mojsovska has carried out many research and applied projects, including contribution to few national strategies – Regional Development Strategy (2009-2019), National Strategy for Sustainable Development (2009-2030) and National Development Strategy of the Republic of North Macedonia (2022-2042).